vivian ‘ivy’ rhodes.

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also known as ; THE GIRL IN THE CHAIR.

‘ if this is what dreams are, don’t wake me up. ’

writer’s note.

my account may explore mature themes that have to do with underage drinking, the use of weed, dark themes involving death, and perhaps more. however, i am not interested in writing any sexual/lewd themes. i also don’t care to see that content on my timeline. that is something i am personally not interested in writing/viewing and i hope that can be respected. :)

( p.s. i am 19, so do keep that in mind when interacting with me. thank you! )


IVY RHODES is the daughter of, the war machine, james rhodes, and captain marvel, carol danvers.

name: vivian rhodes
occupation: occasional girl in the chair for the avengers & co. and a florist at a flower shop, gary’s flower market
aliases/nicknames: viv, ivy ( preferred ), vi, ives, rhode less traveled, flower ( courtesy of elliot )
age: 18-20
height: 5’4”
personality traits: thoughtful, kind, caring, playful, patient, hardworking, strategic, an optimist.
appearance: silver nose ring in her left nostril. two tattoos ; one of a lightning bolt on the inside of her index finger, and another on her rib cage of a bundle of wildflowers ( about 2,5in x 2,5in ).


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growing up, the girl has always had a tendency of being sweet. she learned from her mother the classic, ‘always treat others the way you would want to be treated’. and she took that to heart. she took special consideration into it because the woman had passed away when she was six years old. it was a way for ivy to keep the memory of her alive.

it may make her seem like a cliché, but because of the sweet-natured personality, she also had a tendency of being sneaky. being seemingly prim and perfect only got her so far, especially when it came to the authority figures in her life. especially with her father.

of course, that sneaky characteristic only went up to a point. it would take deep convincing to get her to do something seriously out of pocket. but that won’t stop her from being adventurous in certain aspects of life. she’d always up for something fun and exciting to do.

concepts && headcanons.


• ivy has a love for singing and she is somewhat shy to share that talent. but she enjoys posting covers on her Instagram at times if she’s learnt a new song on the ukulele. she’s not acted on making a career out of yet though.

• she has a habit of taking care of her friends that stems from the loss of her mother. If they haven’t eaten BET, they’re getting fed. They need a ride somewhere? Hey, she’s got a car —— get in, loser! About to do something questionable or dangerous? Don’t do that, she’ll do it for you or at least with you.

• activities enjoys includes surfing, skateboarding, and going on runs early in the morning. it gives her something to do and keeps her active.

• she’s not a fan of the avengers, believing they do more harm than they do help. Which makes it difficult to support her father’s endeavors, but at least she can count on knowing that he’s doing always trying to do the right thing.

• she got a small tattoo of a bundle of wildflowers on her rib cage on the anniversary of her mother’s passing. Her mom’s name was marigold and she had happened to be a gardener, so ivy thought it was appropriate.

• piggybacking off of the last point, ivy always has a vase of flowers or two in the rhodes’ home. It’s another way for her to remember her mom.


• having grown up around the stark’s and the rogers’ families, there was a certain love she had for them for familiarity’s sake. but when the events of civil war occurred, it had definitely shaken things. there was a tension with both families, and being one who could care less about the feud, she thought it was ridiculous. When her father nearly died though, that’s when things really took a turn for her emotionally. All they could do was argue over who was right and wrong, while her father was almost paralyzed —— almost killed for his involvement in the fight. She had developed a slight distaste for them for that and had grown distant for a time.

• ivy is skilled in the mechanical as well as the technological area, taking a liking to Tony stark for that reason. Her uncle tony has helped in advancing her knowledge, as well as interest in that area by having her come over to help him tinker on little projects here and there. Her growing knowledge in those subjects has also her to become a valuable sort of asset to the superhero team, the avengers. . . She only does it for her dad though.

( more to come soon. )


ivy’s Spotify playlist